Healer of Wounds: Interpretation of Human Existence from the Perspective of Alchemy and Miraj


Muhyiddin Ibn Arabi Society Journal Editor

“Ibn ‘Arabî mentions a prophetic figure in two chapters of the Futūhāt al-Makkiyya, called the Healer of Wounds. In our talk we will read the text closely to discover the identity and character of this mysterious figure and his special connection to alchemy and mirac.”

DATE Saturday, November 24, 2018

TIME: 11.00-12.30

LOCATION: Üsküdar University Central Campus D Block, Ayhan Songar Conference Hall

***Simultaneous interpretation will be provided in the program.

Participation in the program is free.


Detailed information: http://tasavvuf.uskudar.edu.trhttp://tasavvuf.uskudar.edu.tr/tr/duyuru/226/konferans-duyurusu-stephen-hirtenstein